Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

As Habitaciones Para Latinos Association completes its first year in existence we can proudly confess to you that the work that has been accomplished this year has been nothing short of miraculous. Not to say we are totally responsible for our success but conversely to confess that we would have fallen a ways short of our hopes and dreams in our first year had it not been for some extremely generous and loving people.

For the sake of not giving out private information of those we have helped or those that helped us succeed,  suffice it to say we would love to shout from the mountain tops the names of those who donated time and money so we could attain our success. There is one company who I know does not mind being called out and that is D&R Services, Inc. . They are responsible for our existence and currently provide a considerable amount of resources for HPLA.

So this year started out slowly with our focus of helping Latino families in the Kansas City Kansas and the Wyandotte County area where Kansas City serves as the market center. It was our great fortune to find some fantastic agencies and the folks who manage those agencies. Suffice it to say that other charities working to help people in this area were our greatest allies. But, as we moved forward it was evident that the Latino community has worked hard and are doing a wonderful job of taking care of themselves and their neighbors. We continue to publish our services to that community but have discovered that the population has shifted and today there is a basic equal split between White Americans, African American, Mexican American/Latinos along with the Asians and all other cultures grouped into the final 25%. Yes, it is interesting to see this balance of demographics in Kansas City, Kansas. But, bottom line, there is an equal need for help. Not surprising, the Asian community are a great testimony of what hard work and self denial can do to make life satisfying and we have not had any request from that group yet.

To that point Habitaciones Para Latinos Association has amended it’s bi-laws to suggest that the organization not discriminate by focusing on the Latino community but will assist all nationalities and all cultures on a first come first serve bases. Re-naming the organization is not an option at this time so the acronym HPLA will be used extensively.

The application process with HPLA is very simple and begins with two vital qualifications. The recipients must own their own home and secondly must fall below the HUD [Housing for Urban Development] established low income level for individuals or families. Habitaciones Para Latinos Association is dedicated to assisting low income home owners with minor home repairs which, through no fault of their own, are not able to complete the projects themselves. We have also been able to and will help some folks who where doing very well but have fallen on hard times. These folks are asked to please pay it forward when they recover or to donate back to our charity as they recover to help perpetuate HPLA. We have seen this demonstrated already and praise these wonderful people.

For 2017 we have much work to do. Establishing a formal board of directors that will help establish the Associations goals and budget for the new year will have a high priority. Secondly, writing more grants and getting continuing and perpetual help for the mission of HPLA  will be just as high a priority. Our hope is to hire a full time director which is experienced in home repair and can start part time as a volunteer. As funds allow that position will grow into a full time paid position but only after foundation or corporate support is acquired. All donations from individuals will not be used for any other purpose but to directly benefit the families in need. I invite you all to follow us on Facebook as, almost daily, reports of our projects and our needs are published. Finally, the volunteers who have come to offer advise, labor, materials, tools and lots of time are the backbone of any charity and we want to thank each one of them form the bottom of our hearts. God Bless You. A very special thank you to one we call Adan. Every organization has an Adan that understands the system and makes it click. We are blessed to have one too.

May Gods blessings be with each one of you who have taken time to read this blog and know that we will do our best to start providing valuable information that may be beneficial to you going forward and not just a timeline of our projects. It is difficult in that we rely on you tube and the internet to learn ourselves. We will try to bring something different and of value from our prospective knowing there is so much wonderful stuff already out there.

Need a last minute contribution source for a 2016 tax write-off call us. We can help 913-269-4450


Bob Flores

Chairmen of HPLA